My teaching philosophy                                                                  

I personally believe that by the virtue of deciding to choose teaching as a career then one needs to be an effective teacher or not follow the career at all because effective teachers administer effective learning. As a result I have certain manners and ways of teaching .One of my ways teaching are inspired by Howard Gardener’s approach of multiple intelligences. I believe that learners learn differently   as result in my lessons I try and incorporate more than one intelligence of learning, I try to include as many learners as possible. The best learning experience was when my life science teacher gave us a project to research on the diseases caused by bacteria each group had a specific disease and presented on them to the class. It was really exciting to work as groups and share the work load with our peers it made things really easy  

My teaching philosophy is the collaboration and inquiry based learning .I understand a teacher as being a human mediator, who facilitates learning by not merely being a dispenser of knowledge but a facilitator  one who helps the learners build their knowledge through inquiry based learning whereby learners question things. A teacher is a collaborator, who does not work in isolation, this means the teacher works with his or her colleagues through collaboration we can learn new things from our colleagues and learners  .

This will assist the me as a novice teacher to strengthen my weaknesses and receive assistance where needed and give assistance in A good teacher is one that is selfless, shares more ideas with the learners making it a point that the learners are able to take the information and put it into good use now and in future because knowledge and intellectuality knows no boundaries exchange of teaching styles and methods .I believe that when you are using collaboration and inquiry based learning  it could help learners to prepare for the future by working in groups and inquire through questioning , discussion and research . As an educator you can use inquiry as a teaching strategy by using questioning, classroom discussion   .

Through discussions and classroom conversation I can see what they know not and build on the knowledge they have I believe that a good teacher needs to know the content more than anything as you are what you teach, and if you facilitating or guiding the learners you should know what you guiding them towards hence it is important to know your content. If learners discover things by themselves it will be more meaningful to them than recipients of knowledge, it will help them even I their work place not to be too dependent on people but rather be independent while collaborating with collogues. I prefer this teaching strategy because it promotes critical thinking, freedom in learning and increase interaction and engagement in class .
Diagram illustrating collaborative inquiry based learning

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